If you work hard on your job, you can make a living. If you work hard on yourself, you can make a fortune. - Jim Rohn
7 Stages to Becoming a New Agent
Start by printing the NEW AGENT CHECKLIST as your guide to navigate the stages listed below.
To receive text notifications from Equis, text the word EQUIS to (833) 303-7704.
Start at STAGE 1 if you have your insurance license. If you do not have your insurance license, skip STAGE 1 until you have your license.

(insurance license required)
Complete the tasks below to have your contracting documents submitted to the carriers, full access to the Equis Agent Dashboard, and access to the Equis Lead System.
1. Contracting Packet / Carrier Contracting Profile
Once you have your license from your state, email a copy of your license to: processing@equisfinancial.com and request the contracting packet.
Documents for your Contracting Profile
- Copy of your insurance license
- Copy of your drivers license
- Voided check
- REG-ED Anti-Money Laundering (AML) certificate.
Equis Financial REQUIRES Anti Money Laundering.
**We must have the RegEd AML only, no other AML will be accepted even if obtained recently.
**This is a free course for you; to get this deal, you MUST use this link » https://secure.reged.com/Login/vu/VirtualUniversity/EQUIS - Upon completing the course take a screenshot and upload to your Contracting Profile.
- After completing the steps above, email all documents in PDF format to teamintegrityrocks@gmail.com and copy your hiring manager.
*It must be ONE PDF document. Do not send individual PDF pages.
2. Carrier Contracting
Request contracting for:
- Foresters
- Oxford
Send a separate email to amamrequests@equisfinancial.com
When we need to write a guaranteed issue policy, we will send our contracting request along with our first application for Gerber Life Insurance Co.
3. Request Access to Equis Lead System (OPT)
OPT is the system that we use to purchase leads. You can request access to OPT once you have been contracted with two carriers.
TIP - Start Selling Now!
In most states, you can begin selling with some carriers prior to receiving your writig number. GPM requires an agent to be contracted prior to writnig their first application. Regarding the other carriers, discuss with your mangaer as this varies from state to state.
4. Errors & Omissions Insurance (E&O)
This insurance helps to protect against claims arising from the sale and servicing of insurance products.
- E&O is not required to contract with most of our carriers but is highly recommended.
- We recommend using the NAPA, National Association of Professional Agents. CLICK HERE to access NAPA's website. Then, click on the Life & Health Agent E&O button.
- Reminder: For any of the annuity carriers your E&O also needs additional coverage for fixed/indexed annuities.

Goalsetting & Schedule
Review this information with your manager
Weekly Conference Call Schedule
View your Commission Schedule
View Promotion Guidelines
Set Income Goals & Schedule
It is very important ot discuss your specific income goals with your manager so we can help you set a schedule that will allow you to meet your goals. Schedule a meeting with your manager to discuss your income goals.
Ignite Award
The Equis Ignite Award is a coveted award for new agents. A new agent will only have one chance to win this award. To qualify, an agent must get three policies issued totaling $2,750 in APV in their first 45 days after their contracting period starts.

Get Your Briefcase Ready
Print the Application Checklist. This is a list of applications to print and place in your bag. Print at least two copies of each application. Text the check list to your manager when completed.
Access the paper applications for printing.
Print in COLOR and laminate OR place in clear sheet protectors and keep in your field binder.
Print in COLOR and laminate OR place in clear sheet protectors and keep in your field binder.
Print in COLOR and laminate OR place in clear sheet protectors and keep in your field binder.
5. Needs Analysis Worksheet
Print multiple copies of the NEEDS ANALYSIS Worksheet. You will fill this out while sitting with clients to determine eligibility. Text completed worksheet to your manager.

1. Bookmark this website
Create a shortcut to the teamintegrity.rocks website on your phone's home screen for quick access.
Not sure how to setup a shortcut? Google "create shortcut on my phone" or visit your local cell phone retail store and ask for help.
2. Gain access to team resources
Send a text to Gale Hammond requesting inclusion to the following items:
• Team Integrity Dropbox
• Team Integrity Crew (team chat)
3. Bookmark Quoting Tools
To access Quoting Tools, click the links below and create shortcuts on your phone's home screen.
(requires user name and password)
(requires user name and password)
(requires American Amicable agent number)
CFG requires that you download their quoting app on your phone. Note the password below each app. Follow instructions below:
- CFG Simplified Issue Term Calculator App ... DOWNLOAD » APPLE or ANDROID
- Password: cfgsit
- CFG Final Expense Rate Calculator App ... DOWNLOAD » APPLE or ANDROID
- Password: cfgfe
- GPM Life Alliance UL Web Form
- Login to https://gpmagent.com
- Scroll down to Marketing Forms, Resources & Software
- Click on "GPM Illustration - Life Portraits Web Version"
- Login to https://gpmagent.com

Lead Systems
Access Systems & Purchase Leads
After you have access to the lead systems, review the live lead inventories with your manager and make your first purchase.
Refer to STAGE 1 - 4. Request Access to Equis Lead System (OPT) (listed above) for instructions on requesting access to OPT. OPT is the Equis Financial lead system.
Here is a chart showing what it will typically take to make 10 appointments per week.

Setting Appointments
Use the Dialing Tracker to track your weekly dialing activity. Take a photo and text to your manager each week.
- Russ Tessman
- Nate Maddox (click below to play audio)
- Final Expense video
3. D-Lead & Final Notice Mailing Training
4. JumpStart LIVE with Bill Martin
Attend the Bill Martin Live Dials training session for dialing leads and booking appointments
- Every Wednesday 11am EST
- The link for the live training is found on the Conference Calls page.
- View archived Bill Martin on the Equis Training Center
- Sign into your Equis dashboard
- Then, click link below
5. Setting The Appointment
Watch Equis founder, Rob Jones, and top producer, Michael Coe, dial leads and set the appointments LIVE!

In-Home Presentation
View In-Home Presentation Videos
- Attend JumpStart LIVE with Bill Martin for his In-Home Presentation training webinar
- Every Wednesday 11am EST
- The link for the live training is found on the Conference Calls page.
- Rob Jones show you how to run an appointment in this live demonstration.
- In-Home Sales Tips by Nick Theodore
- In this video Nick Theodore reviews how to use the documents in Stage 3 above.
- How to Run Appointments with Bill Martin
- Sit in the the client's chair and see how Bill Martin became a top field agent. Learn how Bill is able to skillfully close an appointment in under 20 minutes.
- How to Handle Objections
- Learn how to handle objections while in the home with clients.
- The Critical Period - Mortgage Protection
- Learn how to handle objections while in the home with clients.
- The Critical Period - Mortgage Protection
- Learn how to position payment plan options during the in-home presentation.
Sales Tips for New Agents
- Preventing Objections in the Home by Jerry Zezas
- Learn how Jerry Zezas prevents objections from ever coming up in the home.
- (click below to play audio)
- Living Benefits Life Insurance